iTHRUST online

Course structure: 5 Chapters
Dott. Giovanni Bonfanti
Language: English & Italian

Full Course

€ 280,00
with first FREE LESSON


iTHRUST ONLINE is a practical online course of Manual Therapy through manipulation techniques HVLA-T (High Velocity Low Amplitude Thrust), better known as Thrust. The Manipulation with HVLA-T techniques consists in a fast and constrained mobilization applied to a joint segment that goes beyond the physiological joint range (Barrier), without exceeding the anatomical limit.

The Thrust techniques are absolutely painless and secure, but they must be severely administered specifically in a measured and aimed way on the segment in which you want to act.

The manipulation with HVLA-T Techniques, when not in contraindication, allows:

  • An articular release, often responsible of sterness/stiffness and soreness/phlogosis;
  • Release of endorphins, neurotransmitters produced by the pituitary gland, that have a powerful painkiller and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • Pain improvement by reflex neural pathway.

The Thrusts, that are subjects of the course, are HVLA-T Techniques revised &/or adapted to the daily clinical practice of the Dr. Giovanni Bonfanti DO to make them easier, outright, effective and easy learning.

At the end of the online course the participants will be able to:

  • Locate correctly and precisely the segment/s to be treated;
  • Evaluate the indications and contraindications;
  • Place the patient correctly for the specific technique;
  • Treat by using fast and precise osteopathic techniques;
  • Perform correctly and precisely the specific the Manipulative Thrust (HVLA-T – High Velocity Low Amplitude Thrust).

Online Course Structure
The online course spreads in n°5 lesson and power point slides for theorical Overall it will be taught 36 HVLA-T Techniques, from Osteopathy and Chiropractic: direct, indirect, short and long levers.

Free Introduction Lesson

The first lesson of the iTHRUST ONLINE course where I’ll introduce Giovanni Bonfanti. He will explain you what are the HVLA and I’ll present the 4 lessons of my HVLA Thrust techniques. Join and watch this first lesson is totally FREE for you!

26 min.


The best HVLA techniques for the treatment of the back in the lower area (lumbar, sacroiliac joint, thoraco-lumbar junction).

With these deparameterized and simplified HVLA techniques you will can effectively treat the lower back, the sacroiliac joint and the hip bone problems in an effective and safety mode.

7 videos – 32 min.


The best HVLA techniques for the treatment of the back in the middle and higher area (thoracic, cervico-thoracic junction and cervical spine).

With these deparameterized and simplified HVLA techniques you will can effectively treat the thoracic back, neck and shoulder complex problems in an effective and safety mode.

10 videos – 22 min.


The best HVLA techniques for the treatment of the ribs, the shoulder and the arm (ribs, shoulder, clavicle).

With these deparameterized and simplified HVLA techniques you will can effectively treat the thoracic back, neck, shoulder complex and arm problems in an effective and safety mode.

10 videos – 25 min.

Chapter 4 : HIP, KNEE AND FOOT

The best HVLA techniques for the treatment of the elbow, wrist, hip and leg (hip, knee, ankle and foot).

With these deparameterized and simplified HVLA techniques you will can effectively treat the hip, the knee and the foot problems in an effective and safety mode.

13 videos – 24 min.


The techniques proposed in this course must be carried out only by qualified and authorized professionals in the country of residence. Don’t perform if you are unsure or in presence of absolute or relative contraindications.

Dott. Giovanni Bonfanti


Dr Giovanni Bonfanti  is a structuralist and sport Osteopath trained in France and located in Milan, Italy, with over twenty years of experience in the evaluation and treatment of problems related to the spine and the neuro-musculoskeletal system, in adults and children.

He is an international trainer in Manual Therapy courses and he had students from 25 countries in 12 countries.

Dr. Giovanni Bonfanti is very active in social networks communication and followed by over 105k people on Instagram and over 260k on Tik Tok, with over 55 million views of the videos of the manipulation techniques.

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