iTHRUST ONLINE ADVANCED is a practical online course in Manual Therapy continuing the iTHRUST ONLINE course with HVLA-T (High Velocity Low Amplitude Thrust) manipulation techniques. Manipulations with HVLA-T techniques consist of rapid, constrained mobilization applied to a joint segment beyond the physiological joint range (Barrier), without exceeding the anatomical limit.
Thrust techniques are painless and safe, but they must be administered severely in a focused manner on the segment where they are intended to act. Manipulations with HVLA-T techniques, when not contraindicated, allow:
- a joint release, often responsible for stiffness/rigidity and pain/phlogosis.
- release of endorphins, neurotransmitters produced by the pituitary gland, which have a powerful pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effect.
- improvement of pain through reflex neural pathways.
The ADVANCED techniques, which are the subject of the course, are ‘advanced’ HVLA-T techniques revised and/or adapted to the daily clinical practice of DO of Dr. Giovanni Bonfanti’s to make them easier, more direct, effective, and easier to learn.
At the end of the online course, participants will be able to
- use ‘open’, ‘closed’ and ‘distraction’ techniques.
- position the patient correctly;
- set the necessary pre-manipulative parameters.
- treat using fast and precise osteopathic techniques.
- perform Manipulative Thrust techniques correctly and accurately (HVLA-T – High Velocity Low Amplitude Thrust)
Structure of the online course
The online course is developed in no. 15 lessons with video lectures; in the video lectures XX HVLA-T techniques, derived from Osteopathy and Chiropractic (direct, indirect, short and long levers) will be taught.
iTHRUST ONLINE ADVANCED è un corso pratico online di Terapia Manuale continuazione del corso online iTHRUST ONLINE attraverso le tecniche di manipolazione HVLA-T (High Velocity Low Amplitude Thrust). La Manipolazioni con tecniche HVLA-T consistono in una mobilizzazione rapida e vincolata applicata ad un segmento articolare che va oltre il range articolare fisiologico (Barriera), senza superare il limite anatomico.
Le tecniche di Thrust sono assolutamente indolori e sicure, ma devono essere somministrate severamente in modo mirato sul segmento in cui si vuole agire.
Le manipolazioni con Tecniche HVLA-T, quando non in controindicazione, consentono:
- un rilascio articolare, spesso responsabile di rigidità / rigidità e dolore / flogosi;
- rilascio di endorfine, neurotrasmettitori prodotti dalla ghiandola pituitaria, che hanno un potente effetto antidolorifico e antinfiammatorio;
- miglioramento del dolore per via neurale riflessa.
Le tecniche del corso ADVANCED, che sono oggetto del corso, sono Tecniche HVLA-T di tipo “avanzato” riviste e / o adattate alla pratica clinica quotidiana del DO del Dr. Giovanni Bonfanti per renderle più facili, dirette, efficaci e di facile apprendimento.
Al termine del corso online i partecipanti potranno:
- utilizzare tecniche di tipo “aperto”, “chiuso” e “distrazione”;
- posizionare in modo corretto il paziente;
- configurare i necessari parametri premanipolativi;
- trattare utilizzando tecniche osteopatiche veloci e precise;
- eseguire correttamente e con precisione le tecniche Manipolative Thrust (HVLA-T – High Velocity Low Amplitude Thrust).
Struttura del corso online
Il corso online si sviluppa in 17 videolezioni dove verranno insegnate 15 Tecniche HVLA-T, di derivazione Osteopatica e Chiropratica: leve dirette, indirette, corte e lunghe.
Video 1 – THORACIC CLOSE (iThrust Online Advanced)
Video 2 – DOG 1 (iThrust Online Advanced)
ENG – Video 2: DOG 1 https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Eng/3_eng.mp4 ITA – Video 2: DOG 1 https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Ita/3_ita.mp4
Video 3 – DOG 2 (iThrust Online Advanced)
ENG – Video 3: DOG 2 https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Eng/4_eng.mp4 ITA – Video 3: DOG 2 https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Ita/4_ita.mp4
Video 4 – C7-T1 JUNCTION (iThrust Online Advanced)
ENG – Video 4: C7-T1 JUNCTION https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Eng/5_eng.mp4 ITA – Video 4: C7-T1 JUNCTION https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Ita/5_ita.mp4
Video 5 – CERVICAL CLOSE (iThrust Online Advanced)
ENG – Video 5: CERVICAL CLOSE https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Eng/6_eng.mp4 ITA – Video 5: CERVICAL CLOSE https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Ita/6_ita.mp4
Video 6 – UPPER CERVICAL “MONKEY” (iThrust Online Advanced)
ENG – Video 6: UPPER CERVICAL “MONKEY” https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Eng/7_eng.mp4 ITA – Video 6: UPPER CERVICAL “MONKEY” https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Ita/7_ita.mp4
Video 7 – SHOULDER CLOSE (iThrust Online Advanced)
ENG – Video 7: SHOULDER CLOSE https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Eng/8_eng.mp4 ITA – Video 7: SHOULDER CLOSE https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Ita/8_ita.mp4
Video 8 – ELBOW CLOSE (iThrust Online Advanced)
ENG – Video 8: ELBOW CLOSE https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Eng/9_eng.mp4 ITA – Video 8: ELBOW CLOSE https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Ita/9_ita.mp4
Video 9 – LUMBAR CLOSE (iThrust Online Advanced)
ENG – Video 9: LUMBAR CLOSE https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Eng/10_eng.mp4 ITA – Video 9: LUMBAR CLOSE https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Ita/10_ita.mp4
Video 10 – SACROILIAC JOINT CLOSE (iThrust Online Advanced)
ENG – Video 10: SACROILIAC JOINT CLOSE https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Eng/11_eng.mp4 ITA – Video 10: SACROILIAC JOINT CLOSE https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Ita/11_ita.mp4
Video 11 – HIP DISTRACTION (iThrust Online Advanced)
ENG – Video 11: HIP DISTRACTION https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Eng/13_eng.mp4 ITA – Video 11: HIP DISTRACTION https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Ita/12_ita.mp4
Video 12 – KNEE DISTRACTION (iThrust Online Advanced)
ENG – Video 12: KNEE DISTRACTION https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Eng/14_eng.mp4 ITA – Video 12: KNEE DISTRACTION https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Ita/13_ita.mp4
Video 13 – CERVICAL DISTRACTION (iThrust Online Advanced)
ENG – Video 13: CERVICAL DISTRACTION https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Eng/15_eng.mp4 ITA – Video 13: CERVICAL DISTRACTION https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Ita/15_ita.mp4
Video 14 – Y-AXIAL DISTRACTION (iThrust Online Advanced)
ENG – Video 14: Y-AXIAL DISTRACTION https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Eng/12_eng.mp4 ITA – Video 14: Y-AXIAL DISTRACTION https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Ita/14_ita.mp4
Video 15 – MAXILLA ZYGOMATIC SPHENOID (iThrust Online Advanced)
ENG – Video 15: MAXILLA ZYGOMATIC SPHENOID https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Eng/16_eng.mp4 ITA – Video 15: MAXILLA ZYGOMATIC SPHENOID https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Ita/16_ita.mp4
Video 16 – CONCLUSION (iThrust Online Advanced)
ENG – CONCLUSION https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Eng/17_eng.mp4 ITA – CONCLUSION https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Ita/17_ita.mp4
VIDEO 0 – INTRODUCTION (iThrust Online Advanced)
ENG – INTRODUCTION https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Eng/2_eng.mp4 ITA – INTRODUZIONE https://fad.adifamily.it/video/advanced/Ita/2_ita.mp4